Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week in Summary

My week in summary begins with the little bugger above showing me his independence. One afternoon while I stepped in the other room to change Carson's diaper, this little one decided to get his Cars Stool, open the fridge door and decided to help himself to the apple juice.   He had a little difficulty getting it out; so he had to finally ask for some help.

 Can my 2 1/2 year old really have feet half the size of mine?  CRAZINESS!

Carson is taking a little break here at daycare.  He was showing his teachers how well he can walk by himself now!!!  

This past Friday "C" had to have an abdominal ultrasound to make sure there was nothing going on.  (During an exam earlier in the week, the docs felt something palpable near his spleen).  Turns out, he the result was good.  Carson has had a history of about eight ear infections in his short 14 months of life thus far.   He will be getting 'tubes' put in his ears next month some time. 

I finally got some wall decor up in the family room; now to fill the frames.....


This past week I asked Nathaniel what he wanted for Christmas.... his response, "A Choo-Choo Train."   Well, Babe, I was able to deliver.   With a little help from my buddy Craig and his little List, I was able to get this entire set as well as the engines, pieces and about 10 Thomas the Train DVD's for VERY CHEAP !  (even better!)  The look on his face WAS priceless and wonderful.  I can't wait to see that look MANY, MANY more times throughout his life!   

I commented regarding this on FB when I thought HOW RIDICULOUS that there isn't a gift wrap service for those of us who are still on Santa's 'good list' and there are no elves to help wrap some of the gifts.....   Just sayin' it would be really AWESOME to have them wrapped and delivered on Christmas Eve.....  Santa Service.

More fun for the boys!!!!  'CHOO-CHOO!"

"Mommy play choo-choo with me?"   YOU BET Buddy! ! ! 

Nathaniel made a visit to his dentist this week.  He was re-invigorated to keep brushing his teeth.  He wants to show me how to do it.  I can NOT help him.....   He is getting to be such a big boy! ! !   I love you Pea-Knuckle Sandwich!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Have To Start Somewhere

My fingers don't know what to write at this juncture.  
However, I know that if I start; it will come.  

My life has begun a new chapter.  An unexpected chapter-- that I was not at all prepared for.  I'll tell ya about it some time.  But for now, let's just enjoy that I am blogging again.   

I can breathe.   For the first time in months.   I came up for air and I'm ready to start sharing and being myself again. 

My Hopes, Wishes and Dreams are still spinning, drifting and formulating as I begin.   Will you join me as they unfold?   I hope so.