Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Have To Start Somewhere

My fingers don't know what to write at this juncture.  
However, I know that if I start; it will come.  

My life has begun a new chapter.  An unexpected chapter-- that I was not at all prepared for.  I'll tell ya about it some time.  But for now, let's just enjoy that I am blogging again.   

I can breathe.   For the first time in months.   I came up for air and I'm ready to start sharing and being myself again. 

My Hopes, Wishes and Dreams are still spinning, drifting and formulating as I begin.   Will you join me as they unfold?   I hope so.  

1 comment:

  1. hey girl!

    glad to see you back at it. you're a strong lady who deserves to see all her hopes, wishes and dreams come true. i'm glad i'm here to be a part of it with you.
