Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ya Live, Ya Learn

It's been almost a month since the last post and my how much I have learned, processed and participated in since then.  The long and the short of it:

I added another class onto my credit load for this semester.  I am currently taking Intro to Psychology (online), Anatomy & Physiology and the latest, Developmental Psychology (online).  I may be crazy, but I am working towards my goal.   At the end of last month I took into consideration all the course combinations I could be taking and what would be challenging/easiest with my full time job and the boys and my home life.  I decided that if I were doing two courses, I may as well be doing three as it will simply take a bit of the stress off when I am in the core nursing program.  I also applied at another school for nursing so that I am increasing my chances of getting in sooner than the fall of 2014.   My goal now is to get into nursing school the Spring of 2014.  IF I don't get in then, I will simply have a semester (plus the summer) to take some more courses prior to the core program to help alleviate stressors within the program.  I will take whatever I can get to get moving ahead towards my goal of having "RN" after my name.  That's all I can write for now, I have to get back to studying.

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