Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Delight in Everything

My **BIG** News is....  I am an

The days have come and gone; last day of nursing school.  Graduation day.  National testing for my license.... all of it.  Each day I have woke up, decided that I should move ahead with my dreams to become a nurse and finally... My dreams are realized.

With my goal being met I find myself in an awkward transition.  I am waiting for the hiring of a position in my new career. Multiple interviews have occurred at more than one location and I am rehearsing the verbiage 'It is hard to get work these days.'  I feel like when I was applying for a job over a decade ago, I basically walked into the place I wanted to work at, filled out an application, interviewed and was hired within two weeks.  I don't feel that way now.  I know that God's Plan for me is to enjoy what little time I have left with the boys before returning to work full-time in health care.  I am SO blessed to have this opportunity and I am able to Delight in Everything.

Long naps. Snuggles with Boomer on the couch. Doing the dishes/showering whenever.  Reading books (oh, how I have missed you books)! Taking field trips for school with both boys and volunteering at their school events (because I CAN!), raking the beautiful maple leaves on a perfect autumn day.  Sipping a hot cup of coffee on my front step watching the world race about.  I know that my days are numbered as to how much more I can be able to enjoy; so I take great Delight.  My brother emailed me with a simple reminder that soon enough I will be pleading for a vacation date here or there, someone will always have a deadline or expectation of me and I will have major responsibilities (this time, someones life) in my hands.  I recognize those sentiments and thanked him for keeping me focused on what I am able to enjoy, right in front of me.

As I sit here 'waiting' I have had multiple thoughts and plans bubble up.  Such as finally having the time to paint the boys bedroom and make it absolutely AWESOME!   I want to have something awesome for them to relax and play in when they are home.  Not that material items are a big deal to me, but learning, curiosity and bright colors are always what I have had in mind for them as they grow into little boys.  I want them to have an understanding of dinosaurs, sports, astronomy, books, faith, music, creativity/artistry, and kindness as they grow. I want them to have a room in which they can invite their friends over and truly enjoy hanging out in. I have looked through some pictures and these got me the most motivated:

So, yeah,... if you can figure out a way to incorporate my boy's bedroom all into one with each of those ideas on a VERY small budget, let me know.  :-)

I have also been doing some soul searching.  I am a list writer and if you saw my nightstand right now you would see about 15 post-it's with lists, a spiral bound notebook with verses, lists and thoughts, a few faith-centered reads and an empty coffee mug.  I am actively seeking out new motivations and goals: I feel lost when I don't have something to aim for. Having just met one of the 'biggies' I am in need of a challenge. I want to live to the fullest and define my dreams for my family.

A couple of them I have already mentioned above, some are materialistic (lame), but some are so simple I almost don't want to write them down.  However; proof is in the pudding, this has worked for me before:

-Lead my little men to Him.
-Be ACTIVE, get healthy!
-House projects
-Laugh.  Smile.  Smile some more.
-Enjoy old and new friendships.
-Feed my soul
-Set an amazing example for the boys.
-Budget with Dave 

There are more of course, but I will save those for myself.  In the meantime, I will Delight in Everything.  -Psalm 37:4

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